
Welcome to a Power of Good

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Healing oils with 3,000 years of use and backed by modern science.

Young and Old

Omega 7 aids healing

Assists with diabetic care

Difficult skin conditions responding

Cosmetic,  moisturising

No promises but reasonable expectations.

All a Power of Good ingredients are therapeutic or food grade. 




Consult with us. An online chat facility is available.

Our Herbalist's special interests.

4-in one!  Powerful antiseptics with anti-inflammatory pain relief, skin healing and anti-itch support.

Skin care - wounds, rashes, acne, burns, bruises, infections, fungi, ulcers, moisture barrier etc.

Baby and youth care - nappy rash barrier  and healing help. Nits care.

Deep Care - with anti-inflammatory.  Muscle problems, backs, sprains, arthritis, eczema...





Beeswax - used purified as inert natural thickener.

Rice bran oil carrier, natural preservative with great skin feel.

Rice bran oil emollient carrier
Rice bran oil emollient carrier